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· 13 min read
Eric Dudley

Today, I'll be covering how to implement a calculator interpreter (i.e. evaluating 1 + 2 * 3 as 7). First we'll cover the overall concept, and then we'll dive into the details of how to implement it.

This post has interactive components demonstrating the concepts, make sure to try them out by modifying the expressions in the input boxes with the mouse pointer icons!

· 15 min read
Eric Dudley

tldr; Focus on adopting a healthy code review mindset, rather than specific tips, to build a culture of knowledge sharing and improve code quality.

As a software engineer, I've participated in countless code reviews, both as a reviewer and a PR author. I've seen the good, the bad, and the ugly when it comes to the code review process. In this blog post, I'll share my insights on the importance of a healthy code review mindset and how you can adopt it to make your code reviews more effective, efficient, and enjoyable.

· One min read
Eric Dudley

This is my first blog post! You may think that this is a default post, but it is not. I wrote this post myself. I am a real person, living in the year 2023. I am writing this post to test the blog feature of the new version of the website. I hope you enjoy it!

Here's to many more (actually helpful) blog posts in the future.